13 September 2007

soy inmigrante

hi, i´m an immigrant. i didn´t realize this until last night. or maybe it was this morning on the metro on the way to class. i have an american passport, yes, but for as much as i try to adapt to spanish life by the way i dress, the way i speak, the way i listen to my mp3 player on the metro, the more i realize that i am different. i´m in a foreign country. i like it, and i relate in many ways to it, but there are just some things that are easier by being a citizen or at least a long-term resident.

isnt´t that my case as a christian, though? aren´t i supposed to be set apart by the way i think, act, speak from those in the world?

sí, soy inmigrante.


Anonymous said...

wow - profound insight... thanks for the thought ~mj

spain dad said...

I think this relates to our conversation the other night while you were making dinner, don't you?

The more time I spend living in Spain, the more I realize that the challenges of being an immigrant are some of the greatest pleasures of my life.