18 February 2006


so, this is the initial post for the blog 'on my own two feet'. it's dedicated to my own catharsis to my neuromuscular illness that has affected, primarily, my legs and feet. it affects gait, balance, and muscle control. initally it was just lower body, accompanied by severe arthritic pain in the lower joints, but has 'spread' to include partial paralysis and weak function of my left arm. at times, i am totally paralyzed, but temporarily. all this happens at odd times, and i cannot tell when it will happen next.

this started while i was studying in madrid, spain, for my graduate degree, so madrid has a special place in my heart. i say i left my legs in madrid. but this is not at all a 'pity me' blog; rather, it's a place where i share my thoughts, feelings, and enjoy the cathartic process of having a neuromuscular illness of unknown origin and inconsistent nature. i've journaled a good bit about the process, so perhaps i'll share some of that here.

currently, i am instructor of spanish at a high school and a university. during my illness, i have been blessed to be able to complete not only my ma in spanish, but during initial recovery, i completed another ba in french as well. academia has played a good role in my rise to a stable level, so i'm glad to be a part of it now.

i owe all glory and honor to God and his church, which have helped me though the darkest times of my illness as well as have given me the spiritual strength when i have little physical strength.

thanks for stopping by. i appreciate your comments.

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